Our second national workshop „Using seawater to water heat pumps as heating and cooling systems“ under of the SEADRION project was held last Thursday, 14th of February in Gjirokastra, Albania in the organization of the National Agency of Natural Resources, AKBN.

Twenty-three (23) participants joined the workshop from local energy agencies, professional associations (engineers, architects), local administrators from municipalities, representatives of energy consultants, representatives of energy agencies.

The purpose of the event was to present the SEADRION project to a wider circle of stakeholders, present the results and expected goals, present examples of good practices and identify the possibilities of mutual cooperation. Within this frame, the partnership, project objectives, work packages, stakeholders and the foreseen results of project SEADRION were presented to participants.

In the scope of the workshop, 4 lectures were held: Artan Leskoviku, „SEADRION project objective and implementation, Seawater heat pumps advantage and disadvantage of technology“, Teuta Thimjo, „Strategy of RES in Albania“, Evis Cano, „Seawater heat pumps Technologies“, Renata Aliko, „Possibilities for Using seawater heat pump in Albania“.

At the conclusion of the meeting, a discussion was opened regarding different types of technologies and the possibilities for their integration in our environment.